Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Clean Studio

The Masonic Building- my studio is above "Shoes and Apparel"

I mentioned several months ago that I had cleaned my studio and someone requested that I take some pictures to share. I would like to think that I had piqued their interest about what my studio situation was since they had not seen it yet. I also wondered that perhaps they thought that the studio cleaning was a major historical event and needed documentation.

Entrance from the hall with my "Brag Wall"

The north windows

This also enters into the area of ---- what is clean?

When I was single I had landlords who complimented me on how tidy I was- for a man. When I got married I was informed that, in reality, I was a slob of major status.

Studio cleaning for me is also different than other, say, domestic cleaning. I have noticed that when I clean my studio I also drift into organizing my brain at the same time, especially if I have been on artistic hiatus. As I pick up and move things around I run a “movie” about the visual stimulus received from paintings and drawings scattered about and see how those affect the projects that I would like to start anew. Sometimes a trash object will not contribute much to the screenplay, such as mummified pizza crust.

I really like my studio. The north facing 12 foot high windows offer ample and sometimes almost excessive light. I also like the historic building it is in with its 1887 Chicago-style looks and innovative skylights on the top floor shared by 3 other artists in their own spaces. I find it ironic that I concentrate so much on wilderness landscapes from a studio that is in the heart of the most urban area within a hundred miles. It is also ironical to call downtown Alamosa urban.

The Easel, normally in the center of the room

I will open my relatively clean studio to the Alamosa Art Walk on Saturday, April 16 and encourage you all to stop in and walk up the 26 steps to my place. And NO white gloves, please.